Shepherding Ministries in a Changing Landscape

Making Belief-Based Decisions

When making decisions and creating policies, ministries have unique freedoms that other organizations may not have. How can religious organizations minister to all, stay true to their sincerely held, biblically based beliefs, and follow the law?

To help your ministry when making strong belief-based decisions, Brotherhood Mutual's Legal Assist team has created multiple resources.

White Paper

Religious Freedom Protection: Shepherding Ministries in a Time of Change

This white paper addresses issues affecting every Christian church, school, camp, and ministry.

Topics include:

  • Current Landscape and Trends. How do ministries balance their sincerely held religious beliefs with current cultural trends?

  • Lawsuits/Threats. What type of lawsuits should ministry leaders be aware of regarding belief-based decisions?

  • Potential Solutions and Protections. What steps can a ministry take to protect itself if it wishes to avoid activities, events or the use of its premises if the activity or use runs counter to the biblically based beliefs of the ministry?

  • Insurance Considerations. What should ministries look for in an insurance company to ensure that their sincerely held religious beliefs are respected and protected?


Articles and Sample Policies

Start with these articles and sample policies to help your ministry document its sincerely held religious beliefs, define provisions for appropriate behavior, clarify moral expectations, and more.

Church Law and Religious Freedom Resources

   More Religious Freedom Resources