Winter Weather Safety Policy

Snow/ice removal

One of the key factors to be considered in determining whether to proceed with ministry activities amid winter weather is the safety of attendees, volunteers, and staff members. When winter weather brings snow or ice to ministry premises, (ministry contact) will work with greeters and/or activity leaders to ensure walkways and parking areas are cleared of snow and ice during all times that ministry activities will be occurring. Areas to clear include:

  • Paved walkways
  • Entryways (church and fellowship hall entrances)
  • Parking lots

When snow is expected to exceed (number) inches, (designated ministry contact) will call (snow removal contractor) at (phone number) to arrange to plow the parking lots prior to the start of ministry activities. (Ministry contact) is responsible for keeping the following supplies in stock and readily available:

  • Shovels
  • Sidewalk salt
  • Sand
  • Lock de-icer
  • Non-slip floor mats
  • Mop and bucket
  • “Wet floor” caution signs

(Ministry contact) should also work with janitorial staff, greeters, and/or activity leaders to mop any wet spots in indoor areas that pose a slipping hazard.

Activity delays/cancellations

(Ministry name) leadership will watch weather forecasts to determine if there may be a threat of inclement weather that might make conditions unsafe for services or activities. If there is sufficient reason to believe that impending weather will warrant a delay or cancellation, the designated decision maker will decide what the extent of the delay/cancellation will be, and begin the notification process to disseminate the information as soon as possible.

Delay/cancellation decision makers

  • Worship services: (Decision maker)
  • Other activities hosted on premises: (Decision maker)

Notification process (assign personnel to each task)

  • Notify full-time employees via text or phone call: (Person responsible)
  • Notify pertinent part-time employees and volunteers via text or phone call: (Person responsible)
  • Send mass email/text message to attendees: (Person responsible)
  • Post updates on ministry website and social media pages: (Person responsible)
  • Notify television/radio stations via appropriate channels: (Person responsible)
  • Change outgoing voice mail message: (Person responsible)