Any time an employee separation occurs, it is important to review the employee relationship and take a few other steps before letting an employee go. This policy explains the procedures that employees should expect when terminating employment from your organization. It should include the following elements:
Your organization should deliver a final separation letter to employees at termination. It should include the following types of information:
This is not an exclusive list. You’ll want to work with a local employment law attorney to ensure your letter includes all relevant information as required by applicable law.
*Please note: Some states have very specific requirements for when an employee’s last paycheck must be issued. You will want an employment attorney in your state to confirm the deadline for issuing an employee’s last paycheck.
When an employee ends employment with (name of organization), the procedures listed below should be followed:
Employees who voluntarily separate from this organization are asked to give at least 10 working days’ notice of their intention to terminate employment, excluding any vacation days. Written notice should be given to your manager and the business administrator.
This organization reserves the right to require any employees who have been terminated or who have advised this organization of their intent to terminate, to immediately cease employment, return any materials and equipment owned by (name of organization), and leave the building.
Employee Name:
Termination Effective Date:
[ ] Receive resignation letter from employee or inform employee of termination.
[ ] Verify vacation & sick time remaining (if applicable).
[ ] Notify payroll company or payroll department (whichever applies).
[ ] Determine how to contact individual for future correspondence.
[ ] Final employee time card submitted (if applicable).
[ ] Notify IT or HR (whichever applies) to change passwords, disable accounts, forward emails to the employee’s manager, and remove employee from the website.
[ ] Prepare and give separation letter to employee.
[ ] Prepare and deliver Severance Agreement (if applicable).
[ ] Update employee’s HR file.
[ ] Complete exit interview with employee.
Collect all applicable items from employee:
[ ] Keys or access cards to company vehicle, office, etc.
[ ] Company vehicle
[ ] Company computer equipment
[ ] Miscellaneous office furniture
[ ] Company credit cards
[ ] Company phone
Miscellaneous Comments:
This is a sample handbook policy only. Your organization is responsible for compliance with all applicable laws. Accordingly, this document should not be used or adopted by your organization without first being reviewed and approved by a licensed attorney in your area. Brotherhood Mutual assumes no liability in preparation and distribution of this sample document.
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