Child Protection Guidelines for Christian Schools

Developing and Reviewing an Abuse Prevention Plan

Welcome to Child Protection Guidelines for Christian Schools

Safeguarding the physical and spiritual well-being of students, and caring for their mental, emotional, and social needs, are some of the most important responsibilities of a school leadership team. This microsite can help you develop a child abuse prevention program from scratch or strengthen an existing program. It includes background information and sample documents to provide a starting point for your school and its attorney. Just click on the icons above to get started.

You may copy and paste sample policy text from this site into your own policy documents. You'll see that at the bottom of each sample policy is a reminder to have a licensed attorney in your area review final drafts of your policies.

We recognize that every school is different, and policies and procedures must address the particular needs of each organization. The info presented on this site is designed to provide risk management recommendations. It does not constitute legal advice between an attorney and a client. The law varies in different states, and the information discussed here may not be applicable to the law in your state. Remember as you work on developing policies and procedures to have a licensed attorney in your area review final drafts. Brotherhood Mutual assumes no liability for reliance upon the information provided.