Getting Started

The Lay Counseling Overview site is designed to help ministry leaders better understand the issues regarding lay counseling and to assist you as you research and begin to establish a lay counseling or spiritual care ministry.

You'll find risk management information as well as well as recommendations for policy language, applications, agreements, and reference checks. It also includes information about program basics, screening and selection of applicants, developing a liability insurance strategy, and more.

Click through and expand the navigation on your right.

Note: We recognize that every ministry is different, and policies and procedures must address the particular needs of each organization. The Lay Counseling info presented on this site is designed to provide risk management recommendations. It does not constitute legal advice between an attorney and a client. The law varies in different states, and the information discussed here may not be applicable to the law in your state. Remember as you work on developing policies and procedures to have a licensed attorney in your area review final drafts.

Brotherhood Mutual assumes no liability for reliance upon the information provided

Copyright October 2022