Protect Your Church from Severe Weather Conditions

Plan for safety before severe weather season hits

Severe weather goes hand in hand with spring and summer. Lightning, strong winds, flash flooding, hail, or tornadoes could quickly strike your ministry. Take steps now to plan for how your ministry will protect the people or property in your care.

When severe weather approaches, people may need to take shelter. Reduce the confusion or panic that could ensue by creating, communicating, and practicing a plan in advance.

As you develop a plan, consider how you would:

  • Get people to shelter
  • Monitor weather updates
  • Coordinate your staff and volunteers
  • Prevent fires from a lightning strike
  • Provide shelter to community storm victims

Brotherhood Mutual offers a variety of resources to help get you started. Click here for topics. Or, check to see where your ministry is vulnerable by downloading our Developing a Disaster Plan Checklist.